Product Information
Major Application
Product Characteristics
Product Characteristics table
Functional group
Ionic form
Total capacity, eq/ℓ
Specific ion exchange capacity
(total capacity, eq/L)
Specific gravity
Moisture retention,%
Uniformity Coefficient
Particle size, ㎛
Mixing ratio
Inlet conditions
Outlet water quality
Operating Conditions
Operating Conditions table
Max. temperature (℃)
pH Range
Min. resin bed depth (mm)
Operating flow rate (m/h)
Storage temperature (℃)

The information on product characteristics, operating conditions, and main usage included in the product specification is not absolute, but rather relative, based on controlled experimental results from Samyang Corporation. Therefore, Samyang Corporation hereby informs that it has no legal responsibility regarding all information provided in the product specification sheet.

Samyang's ion exchange resins are produced based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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